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What we do

What we do at Danish Cultural Institute

We do nothing on our own

Alongside our Danish and International partners our institutes abroad develop around 900 cultural and societal events and projects a year. For each of our projects it is essential that the necessary fundraising is a collaborative effort. Danish Cultural Institute does not give funding to non-partners’ projects.

We always focus on providing an artist fee in our projects, but it is depending on the necessary funding.

Our focus on long-term cooperation in regions and countries gives our institutes a deep knowledge about the cultures and personalities of their regions, both in the cultural sector, with social and educational institutions, authorities and NGOs.


Every year we are happy to receive requests from many different Danish cultural actors, and we give advice on how their idea for a project can become successful in cooperation with local partners and provide mutual inspiration. Unfortunately we do not have the resources to advise all of them.


Lectures and visiting programs

Danish Cultural Institute offers lectures on culture and society in the countries where we have local branches. We also organize shorter visiting programs for groups of people.  If you are interested in a lecture or visiting program by Danish Cultural Institute, you are welcome to contact our institutes for further information and prices.


Artist, musicians, writers and scientists have the possibility to apply for a artist-in-residence in the Gargarin apartment located in the center of St. Petersburg. Danish Cultural Institute in Russia administers the stay. Read more here (in Danish only).


Danish Cultural Center in Beijing

Danish Cultural Center in 798 Arts District in Beijing opened in 2005 and is  Denmark’s official platform for the exchange of culture and art in China. The area ‘798’ has every year about 8 mio. visitors.


If If you are interested in hosting an event at Danish Cultural Center in 798 Arts District in Beijing or would like more information about the Center, feel free to contact us at [email protected] or read more here.