Arkhangelsk: “17FOR17” poster exhibition by Danish & Russian designers
“17FOR17” poster exhibition by Danish and Russian designers, devoted to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, will be presented in Arkhangelsk from 16 April.
The event is organised within the International biennale of graphic design “Golden Bee“. The “17FOR17” project began in 2016, when Chora 2030, Danish non-profit organization, invited 17 Danish designers to interpret the UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). This collaboration resulted in further partnership with French and Dutch artists. Exhibition in Arkhangelsk presents 34 works by famous Danish and Russian designers reflecting on the UN SGDs.
After the opening on 16 April, online meeting with Mervyn Kurlansky, famous designer and project initiator, will take place. Mervyn will talk about the project and his experience in design.
Project organisers: Danish Cultural Institute in St. Petersburg in cooperation with Chora2030, “Plakat centre“, Centre for Contemporary Art in Arkhangelsk and Victor Tyapkov. Information support: the UN Information Centre in Moscow.