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What we do

How we work

Our vision is to show that the exchange of art, culture, and knowledge can contribute to handle global challenges and strengthen the Sustainable Development Goals.


Our Institutes abroad are the focal points for our activities and the creation of long-term cultural re­lations. With institutes in Brazil, China, India, Latvia, Russia, a youth house in Ukraine, and activities in Turkey, Belarus among others, we strive to be close to the world developments, right where art, culture, and knowledge really do make a difference.


Our projects can have many sizes and forms, for example big multiannual EU projects with many partners, a festival continuing throughout months, or a project consisting of a single activity.

Our cultural concept

At Danish Cultural Institute we work with a wide-ranging cultural concept. This means that our projects can cover everything from food to urban develop­ment, active citizenship to theatre, literature, and con­temporary art. The common factor is to build bridges between Denmark and our host countries through mutual dialogue, inspiration, and understanding

Our host countries

Danish Cultural Institute has always been present in countries where there is something at stake. It has been that way since our very beginning in 1940 during the Second World War. Today we are placed in countries, where it is especially important for Den­mark to build relations and strengthen the intercul­tural dialogue.

We do nothing on our own

Alongside our Danish and international partners our institutes abroad develop cultural and societal events and projects.


Our focus on long-term cooperation in regions and countries gives our institutes a deep knowledge about the cultures and personalities of their regions, both in the cultural sector, with social and educational institutions, authorities and NGOs.


Danish Cultural Institute is a part of EUNIC.