Danish Course
Danish Cultural Institute’s Danish Course has been discontinued
The Ministry of Higher Education and Science has decided to discontinue the Danish Government Scholarships for foreign nationals under the Cultural Agreements from 2021 onwards. Consequently, there will not be a call for applications for the summer language course in 2021.
For years Danish Cultural Institute has been offering courses in Danish language and culture to students from all over the world. We would like to thank our partners, the teachers and not least the students for many educational hours.
If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact us at [email protected].
About Danish Cultural Institute
We believe that the arts and culture are among Denmark’s most important assets.
Together with partners, we develop international activities that push boundaries and create opportunities, which provide mutual value and inspire. Especially when it comes to equal rights, education, sustainable development, democracy and active citizenship. Important values in the world and in Denmark.
Our vision is to show that the exchange of arts, culture and knowledge can contribute to handling the challenges of globalisation and strengthen the Sustainable Development Goals.
Danish Cultural Institute is a self-governing institution. Since 1940 we have been engaged in creating mutual understanding between people.
Photocredit, header image: VisitCopenhagen