Code of Conduct
As an employee of Danish Cultural Institute (DCI), you represent Denmark and act within the organizational values of DCI: respect & dignity, equality & diversity, inclusiveness & fair collaboration.
Your conduct has an impact on the reputation of DCI – locally, nationally, and globally. All employees are expected to be aware of and respect the values of DCI. We trust that you will act in accordance with these values and wish to represent DCI in the best feasible way.
The Code of Conduct (CoC) describes what DCI expects of you as an employee. Apart from this, we expect you to use your common sense, personal judgement and moral barometer when acting on behalf of DCI. If in doubt – never hesitate to discuss any challenges with your line manager.
The CoC applies to all employees of DCI, both in Denmark and abroad at any time, when you represent DCI. This means during working hours, during work related travel in Denmark and abroad. Directors of Institutes and Country Directors must be particularly aware that it can be difficult to separate your role as an employee and you as a private person. In addition to this CoC, you are obliged to always keep yourself updated on policies and guidelines of DCI and act in accordance with these. If Danish, international, or local rules and regulations are more restrictive than this Code of Conduct, the former must be complied with.
3.1 An organizational culture based on respect & dignity; equality & diversity; inclusiveness & fair collaboration:
- We treat other people with respect and dignity, and we do not discriminate and treat others differently because of social status, race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, political affiliations, disability, health conditions or anything else.
- We aim at ensuring equality and diversity in our organization and our work.
- We do not accept any form of bullying, sexual harassment, or exploitation within the organization as well as in our work.
- We strive to comply with fair collaboration and inclusiveness in our partnerships.
We also comply with the more detailed “DCI Guidelines on prevention and handling of bullying and sexual harassment” and “DCI Policy on fair collaboration.”
3.2 Anti-corruption clause: We adopt the widely used definition of corruption as: “The misuse of entrusted power for private gain.” Recognizing that there is no universal or comprehensive definition of corrupt behavior, this CoC establishes that corrupt and fraudulent practices comprise the following acts:
- Fraud: Fraud and fraudulent behavior is understood as a premeditated action by management teams or others for personal profit. Fraud includes false representation, extortion, conspiracy, collusion, deception, blackmailing, nepotism, theft and embezzlement of funds, forgery, counterfeiting of documents, and falsification or misrepresentation of costs related to project activities, travel expenses, per diem, etc.
- Corruption: Corrupt behaviour and practice is understood as offering facilitation payment (also called “grease payment,” “processing fees” and “bribery”) more than normal specified charges to obtain or expedite services.
- Misuse of funds and assets: This is understood as the utilization of funds and assets (such as cars, phones, etc.) for other purposes than the one stated in the application for funding of projects and activities; in addition to negligent or improper maintenance of assets.
- Serious irregularities: Serious irregularities are understood as the lack of proper accounting, delayed, or missing financial reports to partners and donors, cost-ineffective management of assets as well as financial and human resources, and other forms of mismanagement.
- Acceptance or offering of any gifts or favours that are more than “token gifts” i.e. pens, desk diaries, etc. An employee shall not solicit or receive, directly or indirectly, any gift, favour or benefit in exchange for official action or inaction, or that may influence or appear to influence the exercise of his or her functions, duties, or judgment. This also includes benefits awarded to ‘third parties’ such as partner/spouse, children, etc.
- Failure to disclose or enable full transparency of contract management or any potential conflict of interest with partner organizations, service providers, suppliers, and business partners. This includes any attempt to conceal close family relations, shareholder arrangements or other decisive relationships.
Corruption in any of the above forms will not be tolerated. If any doubt exists, it must always be referred to the line manager for clarification.
3.3 Bias – in legal terms, describes the possibility of conflict that could emerge from a person’s personal and economic interest when judging a case within the same sphere of interest. In a DCI context, this means that an employee is not allowed to be emotionally involved with another DCI employee, if such involvement causes bias towards that employee or otherwise affects the ability of impartiality.
As an employee, you must comply with this CoC. In case of doubt regarding interpretation or in the event of a dilemma, you must consult your line manager. Managers at all levels within DCI are responsible for ensuring that their employees are familiar with and understand this CoC. Managers must lead the way and be aware of the impact of their conduct on the reputation of the Institute.
Breach of the CoC may have consequences for the employment of the individual concerned. Sanctions/consequences will be evaluated based on the specific case and circumstances. In case you have complaints about the behaviour of employees and suspected breach of this CoC, you can report it through the complaint’s mechanism in place at the DCI webpage, or you can report it to either the Workplace Environment representative or Head of Finance.
I hereby confirm that I have read, understood, and will comply with the Code of Conduct of DCI. By signing, I also confirm that I have read and understood other policies and guidelines of the Institute that may apply at any given time and will comply with these, including: