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18 · 05 · 2021

Online Residency “SIMULTANEOUS ACTIONS“. Danish-Russian collaboration

The online residency “Simultaneous actions” aims to create conditions for joint work and collaboration between Danish and Russian residents within cultural phenomena. The two residents were from each their place of residence (Moscow and Copenhagen) enrolled in a residency where they through online connection carried out collaborative and simultaneous research and production.


The residency results based on the results of the online residency the residents submit a jointly developed result in the shape of an online platform and program of public events in both online and physical format from Copenhagen and Moscow. The artists have invited collaborators to facilitate workshops with them.


The research within “USER PRESENCE” can be defined as a series of actions that trigger analytical searches to determine the status of the common user of the global network. That includes a critical examination of the properties and potentials of the internet and to question the very workflow of influential online platforms and behavioral strategies. The contradicting understandings that question how the relationship between control and freedom is experienced and negotiated?


The residency aims to investigate and raise the questions, involving artists and specialists from critical theory of the internet to create a project and public presentation on the theme.


As the result of the communication during the Calculation project the artists have made the website that works with the definition of “conviviality” implemented in the book “Conviviality Tools” by Ivan Illich in 1973. In this book the philosopher criticized the strategies of post-industrial society and  formulated the principles of how the labor and industry may be developed to form  “the convivial society”.


The “Conviviality platform” aims to become a place for theoretical and practical experience of “conviviality”. We want to think of this theory from today’s technology, art and media,  and how we may apply and discuss ideas of Ivan Illich and his “convivial tools” to today’s society and its changes. Has society become more convivial with the current internet and it-technologies? May we name art as a convivial tool? May the internet become less colonised and fragmented? May the knowledge and education be less monopolised?    The conviviality platform may become a place to discuss and practice these questions and the principles of “conviviality”.


Besides the theory part the website has the “practical part” that includes the easy-going lessons, instructions and workshops conducted in a convivial maner. We suggest the convivial practice and exercises that may become a tool to exchange the experience and knowledge between engineers, artists and activists.


Follow the project on the website Conviviality Calculation and on Instagram


The residency is in collaboration with the Danish Cultural Institute in St. Petersburg and funded by the Wisti Foundation for International Understanding and Hotelejer Andreas Harboes Fond.