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THEME | 2021

We see possibilities

2020 was a year like none other. At Danish Cultural Institute we had to rearrange, postpone, and cancel many of our planned activities. Despite many challenges our institutes managed to see new possibilities, think in new formats, and create digital projects which engaged and reached a big audience.


Thousands are watching 6-year- old Malou’s culinary adventures


“Cozinha da Malou” is a series of 16 programmes on Danish Cultural Institute in Brazil’s YouTube channel. The main objective is sustainable food culture for children in an intercultural and intergenerational hands-on context, bringing Danish meal preparation culture and “hygge” into play in a Brazilian setting.


Working with food culture in Brazil touches upon environmental, biodiversity, human rights, and climate issues of global importance.


The Danish nutritionist Betina Lauritsen addresses the big issues in a light and engaging way exploring food education, food courage, and food joy.


Filmed by her husband Augusto in their home in Rio de Janeiro, the program features the couple’s 6-year-old daughter, Malou, exploring culinary adventures with her mom.


Some episodes feature guest appearances by Brazilian specialists, as well as by the Danish partners from “Smag For Livet”. The videos have gained over 160,000 views across various platforms.


“Cozinha da Malou”



New digital universe for the children of Turkey



In 2020 Danish Cultural Institute Turkey launched a new digital universe – called Atta Hygge. ATTAhygge.com is a website created for the Danish culture programme under ATTA Children’s Festival in Turkey in collaboration with the ATTA festival organization.


The website features a large selection of Danish and Turkish culture for children, which enables the children to engage in fun, exciting and challenging activities.

Using theatre performances, workshops, music, drawing/colouring, and animated short films, the children get to learn more about themselves, the world around them, as well as what it means to play and interact with other children. The site was launched in mid-December, and more than 2,400 people had joined by the end of 2020.


Attahygge.com – a new digital universe for the children i Turkey.



Concert for 10.000 isolated children in Wuhan



Danish Cultural Center in Beijing was the first inter- national operator that had the opportunity to get through to Wuhan, when the initial phase of COV- ID-19 was at its peak. On the 8th of March 2020, the cultural center made a webinar for 10,000 isolated children in Wuhan.


The music group HeartBeat Group created an interactive show, where the Chinese children could learn to make the group’s characteristic stomp beats on tables.


Subsequently, the beat, which got the name “Jiá yóu, Wuhan!” (in English “Go, Wuhan!”), was frequently shared on Chinese Social Media and thereby became a symbol of the children’s will to go on in this first phase of the pandemic.


Concert for isolated children in Wuhan, China



250,000 watched when Russia and Europe met on TV



Every year, the EU delegation in Russia gathers cultural institutes and consulates general from all over Europe for a one-day festival in the name of art and culture at one of the world’s leading art museums, the Hermitage in St. Petersburg.


In 2020, it all took place online – in a virtual study where 19 European countries presented different cultural features.


Danish Cultural Institute in St Petersburg contributed with a specially produced video presentation of several innovative and sustainable initiatives in Copenhagen and Aarhus. The video also demonstrated specific examples of successful collaboration between Russian and Danish specialists. The online format made it possible for the festival to reach a bigger audience than normally, with more than a quarter of a million viewers.


The festival “DISCOVER YOUR EUROPE” went virtual in 2020.



Children interpretated fairy tales



PAPERCUTS was an online interactive art competition combining the imagination of children with the fairytales of the Danish author Hans Christian Andersen. Children from Belarus, Estonia, and Latvia, ages 7-15, were asked to send in a visual interpretation of a fairytale by the Danish author. 1.226 children did so, and two winners, from age groups 7-11 and 12-15, were selected from each country.


One of the beautiful art works from the competition.



Photo project about our home during corona



The international photo project “What Makes a Home – in the time of Corona” captured moments of lockdown and quarantine. The idea behind the project was to investigate what a home means and how ideas of home adjusted to a new normal during the pandemic.


After an open call on social media, more than 400 people across India, Russia, the Baltic States, and Denmark contributed with pictures of their homes. It all culminated in the selection of ten winners and a digital exhibition. The campaign was initiated and curated by Danish Cultural Institute in India. It reached approx. 90,000 on social medias.


See alle contributions here: www.wmah-exhibition.com.


Picture from the online photo project about our homes during the pandemic.